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Cautionary Tales Are Short and Sweet || Reading Notes: Aesop (Winter) Part A

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen...

  • Did the kid know that the Wolf's piping would catch the attention of the Shepherd Dogs?
  • The reported moral is "Do not let anything turn you from your purpose." but there a couple of others.
    • If you're going to go out, may as well go out having fun. (Kind of.)
    • Listen to your elders.
    • Don't be in a hurry to grow up.
  • Kind of a bummer.
  • Punished for curiosity. But also for hubris or vanity.
  • Morals:
    • Know when to keep your mouth shut.
    • Hubris will lead to your downfall. (Literally)
    • Don't piss off the gods? (You should've gone to that wedding sir.)
    • Maybe: Be content with what you have.
  • I'm not a big fan of being punished for curiosity but that moral could be changed more to "Be cautious when adventuring into the unknown."
  • Lies often lead to more lies.
  • Don't speak of things that you do not know.
  • The use of a dolphin and monkey seems really oddly specific for this fable but this could be changed in a retelling to humans or more relevant animals.
  • Some morals that they don't really want you to take away (but you can):
    • The best lies contain a grain of truth.
    • Smaller lies are easier to get away with.
    • If you're going to lie, best to make sure that the repercussions (if caught) are not disastrous.
  • Don't expect others to share your burdens if you don't share the rewards.
  • Slightly reworded (as the story says):
    • We cannot expect anyone to share our misfortunes unless we are willing to share out good fortune also.
  • This could be reinterpreted and retold with a moral of "even when you share your good fortune, do not expect others to share theirs".
The Travelers and the Purse

Translator: Unknown
Illustrator: Milo Winter
(Individual links for stories attached to headers.)

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