Six-Word Story: "Somebody's cooking downstairs. They'll be delicious." A Nice Mask Two Sentence Story: "We the people that are left of the United States, in order to form a more healthy Union, establish these cleansing zones. May God forgive us for what were are about to do." Cleansing Author's Note: Yay Microfictions again! I don't really think that I'm very good at writing these. Most of them just feel kind of unoriginal when I compare them to other microfictions. But, I enjoy writing them all the same! Honestly, I find that the six-word stories are the hardest and that the two-sentence stories are probably the easiest of all of our options. When it came to these two stories, the first was partially inspired by all the time I've spent in the kitchen recently. Both stories were also inspired by the unnecessarily high amount of Fallout 4 I've been playing as well. I hope you enjoyed these and feel free to comm...
How the initial character can go from "something hit my head" to "the sky is falling" is a mystery to me. Still, the story was interesting and the fox was clever in its taking advantage of the other animals' stupidity. Why did the other animals go along with Henny-Penny in the first place? Were they all so easily convinced that the sky was falling? Molly Whuppie is fearless. And does the King not feel any trepidation about sending someone back into the lair of a giant over and over? Is this story the origin of the "Fee Fi Fo Fum"? Mr. Fox certainly got what was coming to him. Though it seems that his downfall was more due to mere coincidence than any noble action on the part of anyone else. I do like how quick her brothers and friends were to kill Mr. Fox when they saw the danger. I would have thought that Mr. Fox would have caught on a little quicker and perhaps have tried to make an escape. Wow I didn't think the gingerbread sto...