But maybe he prefers it that way...
- I like that all we learn about Duck from this first story is that she was:
- Created
- Small
- She died almost immediately because she got some mud in her beak.
- An interesting origin story for El Capitan.
- I wonder why the boulder was growing in the first place.
- Why did the boys sleep so long?
- Could these be things to explain in a retelling?
- So the boys turned into agave? For....no reason?
- Could explain this in a retelling.
- Interesting story with the father testing them so much.
- So the next story has a youth become a god.
- He learns dances and songs from around the world?
- And takes them back to his people to teach them.
- They wear masks during the dances to represent the other gods that danced with the youth.
- I feel like the Raven and Macaw story is an explanation of why different some parts of the world have four seasons and why some only have two (wet and dry).
- The Raven people stay in the north and have to toil to grow crops and winter comes every year.
- The Macaw people may be further south where there is no real winter and things grow pretty easily year-round.
- So in the previous stories coyote tended to die for his trickery.
- Here is tricked in return.
- Although in the second one his kids die as a result.
- Why did the deer need to trick coyote?
- Was coyote hunting the deer? Or did he just run into them by chance?
- It's very interesting that someone who has such a pivotal role in most of these creation stories is also a trickster who ends up hungry, humiliated, or dead most of the time.
- The story with the quails is messed up.
- They cut his own flesh for themselves and then tricked him into eating it.
- Then they tricked him into letting them go.
- And coyote STILL dies at the end.
- The bluebird story is more okay.
- Coyote doesn't die.
- He's sort of justly punished for some hubris.
- Coyote does seem to get greedy and always wants what other animals seem to have already.
- Coyote makes a lot of requests of the sky people.
- Is the result of his deal with she-skunk his punishment? Or is it a punishment for tricking and killing all those rabbits?
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Coyote |
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